A>> Through small groups we are able to minister more effectively to the real needs of the people. When groups get too large, many of the shy, timid, and frightened get lost in the crowd and their needs then are unknown and therefore left un-met. In these small groups we are able to develop the intimacy of close family and friends so that even the unspoken needs are known and ministered to. Q>> How does someone get into this ministry? A>> Go to the bottom of this page and contact Senior Shepherd Ronald Lumbao via E-mail. He will be happy to contact you with a group near you. OR >> You may go to the Prayer Request page and submit your desire for fellowship there and we will contact you. Q>> Can anyone be a part of this ministry? A>> We are open to ALL people. Christ commissioned us to go unto ALL the world and preach the Gospel. It is our desire that we will be a lighthouse to those who are lost and refreshment to those who are already a part of the Family of God. Q>> This is all good, but I have done some terrible things in my life. How could I ever be worthy of Christ's love again? A>> The WORD of God says ALL have sinned and fallen short. YES, we ALL have fallen short and none of us are worthy of God's Mercy and Grace. However, God SO loved the World that He gave His only son, Jesus, that we might be redeemed from our sins. We are saved only by the GRACE of GOD. We can do nothing in ourselves to earn this grace. We must accept it by FAITH and then God is JUST to FORGIVE us all our sins (even those that seem so terrible). This is God's promise and when we will accept in FAITH this MERCY and GRACE of God... THEN... Nothing shall separate us from the love of the Father. Romans 3:21-24 (amplified) But now the righteousness of God has been revealed independently and altogether apart from the law, although actually it is attested by the Law of the Prophets, Namely, the righteousness of God which comes by believing with personal trust and confident reliance (FAITH) on Jesus Christ the Messiah. And it is meant for ALL who will believe (in Faith). For there is no distinction, Since ALL have sinned and fallen short of the honor and glory which God bestows and receives. (short of God's desired perfection) All are then justified and made upright and in right standing with God, freely and gratuitously by His GRACE (His unmerited favor and mercy), through the redemption that is provided in Christ Jesus. So, why are you burdened alone? Why do you carry the load of the sins of your life when Jesus died and rose again so that you may be free? Are you tired of the battle? COME TO JESUS... HE will give you rest! Places where our cell groups are meeting: Our Beginnings... One of our first cell groups meeting in the town of Silang But... It doesn't stop with only one...
The Cells Continue to grow with the Teaching of God's Word Teaching Adults and the Children
If you would like to know more about our cell group ministry or would like to have a group in your area, Please let us know by sending us an e-mail or letter and we will be pleased to contact you with information. Send your name, address, phone, e-mail address, or other contact information so that we can get back with you.
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