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Ministries U Feedings
Cell Groups
The Youth Center

Ministries Unlimited in Southern Luzon is led by Regional Pastor Ronald Lumbao who oversees four other pastors, three churches and six home study groups called "Cell Groups"

This group began in Tagaytay City in 1998 and has now relocated its primary ministry activities to Balubad.  This church is led by Brother Dick while the church in Bicol is led by Brother Eric and the church in Pangasinan is led by Brother Tony.  Brother Aris is responsible for Youth and Camps for this region.









Above, we see Ronald leading the flock while we were still in the early days of this ministry in Tagaytay City.  Below are two of the village ministries we have been involved in.  The picture on the left is Graduation day for the DVBS for the children and the Right shows the children we minister to in another village







We now meet at Brother Dick's home in Balubad.  Shown above from left to right:  Under the ministry sign our president David Wasson posed with Brother Aris and Brother Dick during his visit in November 2005.  Right is Brother Dick and his wife Dori.



The church is an open area with a roof attached to Brother Dick's home.  It has a concrete floor and curtains are hung to give it an enclosure.  Chairs are set up and the people come in.  It is not uncommon to overflow this area when the people come in.  The children get excited and fill the front rows of the church house while the parents will typically be in the overflowing area outside the shelter of the roof. 


During November 2005 David Wasson brought the message while Brother Aris interpreted into the native language of the region, Tagalog.








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