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Fundraising Photos

Raising the Much Needed Support

Fundraising is always a challenge for a Missions Based Ministry since we do not have a local church body that is tithing into the missions work.  We have been blessed by the Lord in our fundraising efforts and we share some of the pictures here from a few of the fundraising activities.

One of the primary fundraising activities we conduct is the Yard Sale and Garage Sale.  We accept all types of donations from people.  We sort through these things and the items that can be effectively shipped to the Mission Field to benefit the people there will be transferred to the Balikbayan Department for processing.  The other items that are marketable will be placed for sale.  The moneys raised from this fundraiser first goes to pay for the shipping cost of the Balikbayan and then to the general fund for distribution to other needs of the ministry.

Since the climate in the Philippines is a warm climate all year round, most of the spring, summer, and fall clothing will be shipped.  The winter clothing is put for sale and what does not sell during our Yard Sale season is donated to area clothing pantries and churches to assist in the local communities in keeping the less fortunate people in our area also warm in the winter months.







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