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Rangers for Christ

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The Tribes People
Rangers Feeding

Rangers for Christ

Located in the Cagayan Valley

This group consisting of 6 pastors.  The outreach in Northern Luzon is known as “Rangers For Christ” because of the rugged terrain that requires them to be as dedicated as an army ranger to press into the mountain-side to reach the people there.  The five churches making up the Rangers are focused on the out-of-the way areas where most churches will not go. 


One of the Five Churches in the Cagayan Valley is shown here.  Yes, it is a church AND the residence of one of the Pastors.  The door is propped open with a stick to allow the people to climb inside.  The Pastor's quarters are in the area on the right under the sloped roof.


The picture on the left and right were taken from the door and show the sanctuary.  The door behind the men leads to the sleeping quarters of the pastor.



The pastor's living quarters are shown in the left photo. The Right photo is Pastor Erning who started this little church.




This is the home of another one of our pastors in the Cagayan Valley.  It only has one enclosed room elevated off the ground to keep the animals out.  To get into this room you must climb a ladder made of bamboo.  This room is used for sleeping and shelter from the storms.  The normal living area and kitchen are not enclosed, have dirt floors, and are covered by a thatched roof.


We also have a church in another small village.  Here we stopped in during the work day when many of the church members were working in the fields, but we still had a great time of praise, worship and fellowship with the church family.



There is So Much More to Come








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